The School Day

Breakfast Club - 8.00am - 8.45am
Registration - 8.55am   -   Children to be in class no later than 8.55am

Late Registration

Being late to school can have a considerable impact over the whole school year. The table below shows you just how much time can be missed over a year just by being 5 minutes late to school every day:

5 minutes late every day = 3 days of school lost a year

10 minutes late every day = 6.5 days of school lost a year

15 minutes late every day = 10 days of school lost a year

20 minutes late every day = 13 days of school lost a year

30 minutes late every day = 19 days of school lost a year

Ways to ensure your child is in on time

Make sure they get enough sleep

Make sure they have an alarm clock

Make sure their clothes are ready the night before


If your child is away from school for any reason you must telephone school every day before 9am to give an explanation of the absence. If you fail to do this it may be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Please do not pass on messages regarding absence to class teachers or your child’s siblings; any communication regarding absence must go to the school office.

If your child is persistently absent (even for illness), a warning letter will be issued and your child’s attendance will be monitored with the expectation that his/ her attendance increases to 100%. Failure to comply may result in a Fixed Penalty being issued.

Minor Coughs and Colds

Minor illnesses do not mean that children should be kept at home. Children need routine and often feel better when they are in school. Please encourage your child to come to school, if they’re feeling a bit under the weather, we will take care of them. Please remember teaching missed can never be recovered.

Leave of Absence

At this present time, if a holiday is taken during term time a Penalty Notice will be issued and the absence will be marked as unauthorised. Please come to the school office if you need a form.

Medical Appointments

Wherever possible, please arrange medical and dental appointments out of school hours. Please also ensure that you bring in your child’s appointment card so it can be photocopied for the class registers.


Leaving School Early

Please do not ask to take your children out of school early unless it is for a medical/dental appointment. If the weather looks bad, the Head will decide if children are to be sent home early.



Updated: 05/09/2024 246 KB
Updated: 09/01/2025 440 KB