Welcome to Fern Class!


Year 4

Miss Storr

Miss Storr

Mrs. Pullan

Mrs. Pullan


Home Learning: Homework tasks will be set every Friday and will be expected to be returned to school by the following Thursday. Homework will be set in the children's red homework bools.

  • Reading: Every child is expected to read times per week. Please try to hear your child read and make a comment in their reading record book.  The children have a school reading book but they can also read on Reading Plus or a book of their own. it is about them enjoying reading. Reading record books will be checked every Monday.
  • Times Tables: The children will be given a times tables to learn each week in preparation for the times tables check that they will be completing in the Summer. In addition to this they should also be using TTRockstars to help with their speed and accuracy of their times tables knowledge.

PE - Our PE day is a THURSDAY. The children should remember to bring the correct PE kit into school on this day. They should be prepared for both indoor and outdoor PE. Hair should be tied back and earrings removed if possible. If not, then they should bring plasters with them.

Year 4 Current Learning

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Year 4 Prior Learning

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