Welcome to Middlethorpe Primary Academy Nursery!
We are called Acorn Class
Mrs Colgan
Miss Norton
Miss Templeman
Mrs Colgan
Miss Norton
Miss Templeman
- curious learners with a thirst for knowledge
- independent learners
- happy and secure learners
- children who can talk with confidence and interact well
- children who are confident and enjoy with a positive attitude to learning
How to apply for a place at Middlethorpe Primary Academy Nursery
Parents and children are warmly encouraged to visit our Nursery for a tour of the setting and to meet the team. On your visit, you will receive a tour of our Nursery and the opportunity to ask any questions. You will also receive a welcome pack with further information. Once we have your completed application form, Mrs Colgan will be in contact to arrange a home visit (optional). Your child will then be invited to a settling in session prior to their start date.
Our sessions
We cater from the age of 2 years (afternoon and morning sessions available, no full days). We are open Monday – Friday, term time only. All 3 and 4 year old children are entitled to 15 hours government funding and some parents who meet particular criteria may also be entitled to 30 hours government funding. 15 hour places are either 5 mornings or 5 afternoons. Further discussions with regards to funding will be entered into during a pre-visit or enquiries via telephone.
Morning sessions 8.45 - 11.45 (15 hours)
Afternoon sessions 12.15 - 3.15 (15 hours)